Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets SHOT and SATISFIED.Bangbang!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This Post is especially for Heroes Fans!! or *ahem* people who couldn't watch but would love . the review of episode 5 !!! entitled _(HIROS)_ !!

Mr. Bennet: "You have got to start trusting me."

Sorry Mr. Bennet, I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon. Well, at least until the previews with that eerie NBC announcer stop referring to you as "the face of evil".

Matt is gaining more control over his powers every day. He saved the convenience store, and may have even kept the sulky, could-be robber from committing suicide. And on the personal front, he used his powers to help strengthen his relationship with his wife. Matt deserves major props, as he tried very hard this week to mend fences with his wife, from cooking her a perfect dinner, to taking the day off from work, to perfect sex. "It was like you were in my head!" Come on lady, what more could you ask for?

Nathan became a lot more likable this episode. Yeah, he may have thought Hiro was a lunatic, but at least he humored him during his rants, and Nathan even gave Hiro a ride back into town. One thing that bothers me about Nathan, though, is why he is so willing to dismiss others who claim they have powers. He knows he can fly, so he knows that mutants do in fact exist. So why does he deny the possibility so much? To preserve his campaign image maybe? Most likely; everything is politics where Nathan is concerned.

So future Hiro's important message was "save the cheerleader; save the world", which Peter is becoming one step closer to figuring out how to do to with the help of reluctant Isaac. Peter's eyes rolling back into his head as he finished the painting, was very cool. Too bad the picture was of Claire sitting in a puddle of blood. At least Peter now knows from Isaac’s paintings the big battle will happen at a high school with a cheerleader, but that only narrows down the choices to what, 50 states in the US? :)

---Notes and Quotes----

- Nathan zooming into the air was a cool special effect.

- Matt doesn't seem to remember what Mr. Bennet did to him. Did he erase his memory?

- I loved Hiro's awed expression when he saw Nathan land outside the diner.

- How can Hiro not know how to drive?

- Lenderman taped Nathan and Niki, and is going to use the tape as blackmail if Nathan ever steps out of line.

- DL has escaped from custody and is in Niki's house.

- Ha. Ando actually took Hiro's advice and went to go see Niki. At least she let him down nicely.

- Ando: "My jaw is clicking. Did it used to click?"

- Matt's wife: "Wait, I've had that song stuck in my head for days!"
Matt: "Oh, I know."

- HIro: "Using my power for personnel gain. That's the Dark Side."

Howie $hOT SOmeone At 10:52 PM