Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets SHOT and SATISFIED.Bangbang!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Hi guys ! just wanna post this short entry!!
Something funny happened yesterday night!! lol!! I was bored , so i started to go through everyones Blogs. When I was reading Tammy's , my grandmother came in and thought i was watching PORN!! OMG..... HAHAHHAHAHA.Can't stop laughing!! she was so confused why i was laughing !! Then she looked closer to the computer and gave up!! LOL.!!!
Here is the link to Tammy's Blog :
Check it out ppl!! It's a nice Blog. Despite what old People Think . lol!

That's all for now!! Stay Tuned on Howie's GunPlay, Where everyone gets shot and satisfied!! ~ Howie Out ~

Howie $hOT SOmeone At 1:26 PM