Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets SHOT and SATISFIED.Bangbang!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

--I guess you all know what am I going to blog about. That's right , my Geography results.*sigh* I got a 34%. I messed up. I miss - shaded one question and the rest just moved up one spot. sob'''sob"" And now with Puan Shabnam advertising to everyone , the whole form knows. I am known as Howard the guy who failed Geo. aah!! oF ALL PEOPLE, WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! so soso saad...

OH and this week's Theme:

--Kelly Clarkson's new album, *My December* , is coming out on the 26Th of June!! can't wait!! I already downloaded some of her songs: Sober, Maybe,Haunted,Can I have a Kiss,Irvine/Chivas and of course ..Never again. I am resisting the temptation to download other songs to buy the cd!!

That's all for today! I Hope you guys Pass with flying colours!

Only on Howie's GunPlay, Where everyone gets shot and satisfied. BANG!!

Howie $hOT SOmeone At 6:53 PM