Hi guys ! just wanna post this short entry!!
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 1:26 PM
Heyzz!! Today, 27th of April, I would Like to give a birthday shoutout to someone.
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 8:30 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 8:32 PM
They Ended the amazind concert with *THE ANTHEM* . it was so great!!!!!!!!
Joel : You know , one day , we will find a girlfirend, Get married and have Cute little malaysian babies *gestures* *holding two invisible babies with his hands.
Penghargaan : First of all , I would like to thank Joshua Chan , for the tickets, Jocelyn , Eugene and Calvin , Who made sure that i am able to see the concert, Wei Ian , Who belanja-ed us 1ooPlus, Jia yeei, for the pictures and John Tay , for being there.
Well , Thats all for today!!! Only on Howie's GunPlay, Where everyone gets shot and satisfied!! BANGbang!
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 2:02 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 8:58 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 10:35 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 10:10 PM
Hey Ppl... I will start and end this post with a series of "did you know"s
Ok... I think thats about enough for one post.... ThankaYou Readers!!
Only on Howie's GunPlay, Where Everyone gets shot and saisfied. BANGBANG!!
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 7:17 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 5:31 PM
I found all that Thanks to www.kevipodmusic.blogspot.com !! Check it out!! it has everthing you want to know about the Music world!!
Today's Entry a short one too, but it contains VITAL information. lol!
Another amazing Entry on Howie's GunPlay!! Where Everyone gets shot and satisfied!!!
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 8:56 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 5:58 PM
Good Evening People!!!
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 5:58 PM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 11:45 AM
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 8:52 AM
Hey ppl!!! just wanna wish you all a Happy Belated April Fool's Day!!! and congrats to those who won anything in this year's MCKL Treasure Hunt !!! (except Aaron, i deserve that IpoD!! )
*Peter Petrelli : It's time for me to be somebody now ,Nathan!!!!!
*Nathan Petrelli : It's all about politics.
*Hiro Nakamora : I had a sword!!!
*Claire Bennet : A good friend once told me that being different is better than not knowing yourself, and i think he is right.
--Well, today's entry is a short one . but Dont worry , more to come in the near future.
Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets shot and satisfied. bangbang. Howie out.
Howie $hOT SOmeone At 6:13 PM