Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets SHOT and SATISFIED.Bangbang!!

Friday, March 07, 2008
Our Space


Yeah yeah, I know. Exams are over .BIG DEAL . lol.
And I'm sorry for all of you who got (or will get) low marks for their first terms.
But hey, it's practiacally tradition for form four to fail their first terms, right? You guys'll get the hang of it sooner or later.

I know what you're thinking.Easy for me to say! I'm way down here in Aussie! Hey, I'm just trying to make you guys feel better.

Ooh and I welcome Elise leeCheah to the dark side! or shall I say, the ''down'' side...Gosh I'm soo LAME . :D

As the title of the host hints, I am currently addicted to MySpace. *click* It's something like friendster, but so much better. lol. Seriously, go check it out! It's awesome. :P That is, if you don't already know what it is . It's quite popular in America, and apparently, over here too.

Aanyways, back to the Idol craze!

Blake Lewis performed his latest hit, ''How Many Words'' during the elimination round! It's good to see him on stage again, even though the song's not that good. :P

And the Losers are:

Thank god Danny is out! that REALLY gay person . America finally made the right choice since Sanjaya. lmao!

David Arch's still in! He sang 'Another Day in Paradise.'
To download, right click and and then 'save as' .

New song for the day-
I'll keep your memory vague - Finger Eleven.
DIfferen't from their qaddictive hit, Paralyzer, and kinda boring , honestly.

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Howie $hOT SOmeone At 11:14 PM