Howie's GunPlay. Where everyone gets SHOT and SATISFIED.Bangbang!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tagged, mate.

I got Tagged babeh!

List out 5 presents you wish for:
1) An Ipod video.
2) Kelly Clarkson
3)To be rich and famous (don't we all)
4) To grow TALLER

The person who tagged you: Bunny Lover GA

Your first 5 impressions of him:
1.) Nerd :P
2.) Anime freak
3.) Smart
4.) WEAK
5.) Funny

The most memorable thing he has done/given to you:
Company, on MSN.
If he/she becomes your lover, you two will:
Wake up from our nightmares.
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be because:
He stops laughing at my jokes. :p

5 People you tag:
1.) Emelia
2.) Damien
3.) Jamin
4.) Dylan
5.) Keng Yee

Who is number 3 having a relationship with?
I'm sure everyone knows who. :P Unless..

Who is number 5 having a relationship with?
Robert Hoffman

If number 2 and number 3 got together, would it be a good thing?
I don't think they're comfortable with long distance relationships.

What about number 4 and number 5?
hmm... get's me thinking lol

What is number 3 studying?
Emology + Pink science

When was the last time you chatted with number 5?
Yesterday on MSN .

Does number 4 work?
dylan's cello sounds.... OMFG!! says (3:44 PM):
''no i dont . why would i?
it's not like i have oodles of free time...''

Would you be with number 1?

How about number 5?
EDIT: Totally My type. HHOTT!

Does number 2 have any siblings?
One Brother. who fights with him using toy swords

How did you get to know number 2 and number 4
Number 2: Since form one. Since form 2, We sit next to each other in almost every subject .lol.We have constant wars of sarcasm that ended up with me WINNING. haha.
Number 4:Again, met him since form 1, but I got to know him more when I sit next to him during bm.We found out we had so much in common! (mostly tv stuff. lol )

Where does number 1 live at?

Is number 3 the sexiest person in the world?
Well, Second.

-------------------------*End Tag*----------------------------

Beeing tagged is fun! lol but these questions are boooring. I'll find something more interesting in the future!

Howie OUT . ##
Bangbang, You're DEAD.


Howie $hOT SOmeone At 1:17 PM